Matt and I are sitting on the deck with our iPads. A wondrous blend of
old world and new. Hearing the lap of the waves against the boat but typing on
this screen. The evening was a little stressful – the boys were tired, the
refrigeration doesn’t work – and we are still uncertain how the lights, water
and head (toilet) work. For now, we just walk to the marina. We were supposed
to leave tomorrow to sail up to Chestertown for my sailing class but we still
don’t know if the bilge pump works (the thing that would pump water out of the
boat if it suddenly started filling up with water – kind of critical). I
finally said to Matt that we don’t need to be in a rush. If we need a few more
days here, we can take them. That’s the whole point of this trip – to stop
rushing around! I think we both felt better after I said that – it created some
space, which is more of what we are after in life. As I type this, there is a
heron on the dock chasing some mallard ducks away from its territory – they
squawk in protest as they waddle away.