Traveling north feels good. I sometimes wonder if our bodies can sense where we are from and if they feel best when they are back there. We leave the island at 7:30 am and head toward Mystic, CT. The boys are down below watching a movie and Matt is below checking his paper charts. We pass by the Thimble Islands. I love the feeling of freedom in heading to a new place. The excitement and possibility of the unknown outweigh the security of leaving the known. I think of it as the In-Between Place – in travel and in life. Sometimes it’s planned, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it’s a quick passage, sometimes a longer and more arduous journey. The comforting part is knowing there is something different on the other side.
There is not much wind so we motor for part of the day but then have great wind in the
afternoon and sail going 6-7 knots. The boys nap and Matt and I have quiet time to talk up on deck. We arrive around 5:30 pm and decide to save some money, grab a mooring ball off Fisher’s Island, and tie up for the night. We will get to Mystic in the morning. It’s a peaceful place – other boats, some beaches and houses, and not much else. It’s a nice time to arrive. The boys play in the dinghy while Matt and clean up from the day’s sail and get dinner ready. Matt grills and we eat relatively early. After dinner, Matt and Malachi read while Joshua and I play a few games of ping-pong at the salon table and then cards. More often than not, he beats me (he’s lost both his front top teeth, kind of like Dracula Jr. I tease him).