It has been a while since I posted anything, mostly because I had a work trip back to frigid Cleveland for a student’s dissertation defense (she passed with flying colors). It was a quick trip – the only non-Case friend I saw was a chance meeting with my soul-sister at a restaurant (we are planning a longer family visit to Cleveland in early May to catch up with all our friends). My mom met me there so it was great bonding time. She is one of those rare birds with whom, after interacting, you depart uplifted and in a lighter spirit – and not just because there has been so much laughter. The timing was great – there was a pre-arrival snowstorm, a snowstorm while we were there, and another expected right after our departure.
It was minus ten the day we left – finding sand dollars on the beach in 40-degree weather is more fun than having my fingers lose feeling in subzero temps.
Back in SC, Matt and the boys greeted me at the airport with balloons and flowers – I’m not sure if it was affection or Matt’s relief that his solo parenting duties had ended (well, not quite. I attended an all-day boat safety course the next day in which I learned all of the possible ways we could die while at sea). The biggest news is that the engine finally seems to be fixed (fingers crossed)! Basically, the boatyard in Mt. Pleasant re-did all of the work done in Georgetown (which we now view as a donation rather than a payment). We took the boat out for a sea trial on Sunday to get a second opinion from a non-vested expert; he said everything sounds as it should (forgive us if we are getting skeptical and less trusting). Another ice storm is expected so, rather than leaving this morning as planned, we are able to stay in the rental condo until Friday morning at which time we will be heading down to Charleston proper. From there, warmer weather awaits (we hope) down south!